You just keepin adding useful features!
No worries about bugs, you resolve tem as they´re reported which is great support so far
You just keepin adding useful features!
No worries about bugs, you resolve tem as they´re reported which is great support so far
Hi, very nice addon.
So is it free since you can get it directly from support forum?
The support forum is only for customers !
I placed the builds there because the market is too long to update, but since you placed the link here, I removed all the builds.
Markets customers can thank you for that
Picture me clapping my hands together like a child!
In fact it’s already in the 2.0.3
I’m very thrilled from their addons, everything is normal and not a problem.
Yeah, many thanks.
As Market customer I should thank you for this genius move!
Sorry, I didn’t realize that, I actually haven’t bought the add-on, just want to say the link was available on google. As well as access to dropbox links.
I have bought it, like the development, and encourage everybody to support Open Source development and certainly Plugins like this. If you use it, like it, Donate! It is the responsible, moral and ethical choice. We all benefit and a donation makes it work. </end rant mode> Many thanks to the team.
Buy the addon, support the developer, and in turn you support your own projects by keeping your tools functional and improving. $30ish is a very reasonable price for so much functionality.
Installed 2.0.3 and am now able to find my old library in the asset folder, however my old assets parented the original way are no longer snapping to faces as intended. Am I doing something wrong or is that a bug?
Thx guys
The bug have been fixed on the market.
To snap to face, you have to activate the option now.
Well, in edit mode, the snap is automatic. The option is for the object mode. If you want to snap on the faces, you need to activate the option and press CTRL for snaping.
Indeed, if we add snap to face, that add the snap options.
Also, Asset Management Updated in 2.0.4 on gumroad and the Market !
Wow, talk about rapid response, I haven’t had to chance to install 2.0.3 yet!
Nice, the images are gone.
Now the duplicated node groups, and the files are clean. :o
Thanks for your great support.
I get this missing files thing after I installed ver 2.04. I just bought Speedsculpt and got a similar report of missing files.
You must uninstall the previous version of addons before installing the new building to avoid this kind of issue.
Look into your addon directory and delete previous versions.
Restart blender and uncheck the error files.
okay…will do.