Assorted Weapons (medievil blunts): Updated (again)

Welding? Right on the battlefield?

Ohhhhhhhhhh… Wield. :stuck_out_tongue: :P[/quote]

I’m sure that I will turn up some day :smiley:


I know what you mean, and i agree. However, as realistic looking as I wanted these to look, I also think a long chain is cool and I am not worried about maiming myself with them because they are virtual.

I will try to make more realistic maces in the future, as well as crazy cool impractical ones

Hey, sweet, would you mind rating them? I would really appreciate it.
Currently I have 1 rating but its 2 stars :frowning: . I didn’t think I was that bad. If that rating stands, others may not choose to enjoy my model :frowning:

Super. What about the leather handle? That wood looks strange.

just did I gave you 5 stars


:frowning: The rating isn’t showing up, the model is still only 2 stars, did you just do the star thing, or the rate and review thing?