Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs - size comparison

I made this quickly because I was curious to see how large the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was, quite large, here’s some trivia.

•When the asteroid hit the earth it released 2 millon tsar bombas worth of power, below is one tsar bomba, 2 million such bombs at once.

•Huge amounts of dust and earth would be shot into the atmosphere and blacken the earth, triggering a “nuclear winter” which would have lasted for 10 years.
•The impact would trigger volcanic eruptions and earthquakes all over the world.
•75% of plant and animal species on Earth became extinct.

Can you imagine that thing hitting the ground at incredible speeds, burying itself 1 km into the ground, massive amounts of dirt pushing up at the sides of the rock shooting 50km into the atmosphere. Then the huge rock breaks in half, no into hundreds of parts and the huge amount of energy released spreads a massive firery storm that makes the air boil the trees are instantely uprooted and burnt to a crisp, the earth ripples like a pond after having a rock dropped into it. An incredible boom that can be heard on the other side of the earth, it must have been amazing to see.

That’s rather imposing, nice visuals.