Atlas (from portal 2 coop)

Cool. Out of curiosity, do you have the portal 2 fan pack app for iPod or iPhone?
They are allowing fan art to be posted in it if you are interested (also the song “controlling the portals” is one of my compositions :D).

@TWS, no. I don’t have an iPhone or iPod… yet.(muahaha)
But I DID pre-order portal 2 and cant wait :smiley:
(7 days left)
Where can i find that song?
I am very interested in hearing it :slight_smile:

Please people, don’t be to hard on me…
if people still reply, that is xD


I’ll try emailing it to you.

Guys, yhere probably wont be any updates for like 5 weeks since i broke my wrist =S
bye for now =(

keep it up and we will be here in 5 weeks !!

hey guys, im back.
I’ve also got a goal for the model now, i am making a p-body now too, and i want them to star in some sort of music video of Want You Gone.

Bahahaha, this is awesome. I really hope you kept with this.

i might continue this, but the layout of the scene was a bit messed up by the switch from the old to the new blender so if people like this and i can be bothered with clearing up my scene i might finish this :slight_smile: