Atomic Delivery

Hi there
My entry for the Blender Guru fantasy competition.
I couldn’t complete it on time, but it was worth the experience.
Hope you like it!

Done in Blender: 

Modelling, Sculpting, Lighting, Shading and Rendering.
All the textures are done in Substance Painter, this is my first experience with this program.
I use Photoshop for final compositing.

Concept by Sergi Brosa



Realy nice !

Very cool! I wish it wasn’t studio shot only, though.

That’s great, well done!

Really cool!

bello :slight_smile: awesome

Dr.Robotnik: The early years

Really nice work :smiley:

Cool !!! :slight_smile: Great work. :slight_smile:

Could imagine seeing this guy in a Mad Max-esque game. very nicely made

Excellent level of detail and the textures are great. Top quality work :slight_smile:

Great work! Lots of character in this character!

Wow, this is awesome! I love it!

Great piece! original concept is so awesome.

Great render, Big ups for the very well explained vids you did. That most have been a lot of work!

Nice character/bike

Awesome. Could definitely see this as a character in a short film.

Looks awesome! I wonder how a render with an HDRI in a cityscape environment would look like ��

That’s amazing!