Audi RSQ concept

i am putting my U.S. Marine on hold for now and starting on this.
most of you might know this from the movie I robot.
i am aware of the messyness of the mesh, but i´m trying to fix it.
c&c welcome


Nice start. Here’s a webiste with some good ref pics if you need them…

thanks for the pics!:slight_smile:


if i don´t get any new replies i swear to god i´m gonna cry!


Looks good, i gave up on my car :frowning: i was so annoyed!
are you using blueprints? because the proportions aren’t quite right…i think. although you probably can’t find any for that car.
(there, i replied now you don’t have to cry)

thanks.:o that would have been pretty embaressing. i´m using some pretty inaccurate blueprints . so i might change them out with the ref pics i got from douplez

Hi there! (another reply so dry those tears :))

Maybe this is the blueprint you used but -eventhough it’s not perfect- it should help you a lot. The front of your car doesn’t look curved enough. Try to make it more rounded because now it looks kinda blocky. Maybe thisrender/screenshot of a 3d-model, can help you understand the shape.

I think it’s easier if you model the general shape first and only then start detailling it. Otherwise it will be a lot harder to make some changes! Good luck on it!

Ciao & keep it up

Hello there, I see you also have in hands a darn dificult car project :stuck_out_tongue:
My only advice is to you split the car in parts/pieces and model only one at the time. At least I’m doingok with that methode… so far :wink: and it’s relatively easy to tune up things.
Keep it up! I’ll keep an eye on this thread ^_~

thanks for the blueprints. they werent the ones i am using. but i think i´ll be better off with these

poor little blendy…dont cry!

i dont know much about cars, so will just saythat it looks nice, but the windscreen needs materials…

don’t cry please! :wink: it look well!, looking forward your progress!

garrr. lol.
i actually gave up on this. but now with the great amount of entosiasm(hówever that is spellled) i´m gonna give it a second try

good to hear your working on this again its a good model.

Go, Go, Go!!!
you can do it *encourage *encourage!

May we see the result of your work? Is it similar to the real Audi RSQ or not yet? If it is, I would go to some factory to ask to make one for me :smiley: