Audio Strip Waveform Gone? Moved?

In VSE, there used to be an option to show the audio waveform overlaid on the audio metastrip. Has it been moved in v4? Has it been removed from v4? Have I gone blind? I used waveform overlay during every video edit I ever did. If it’s gone, Imma be pretty annoyed.

Right there…

Great typing for a blind person… :upside_down_face:

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Yup. After looking for it for 15-20 mins, then posting about, I went back to Blender and spotted it almost immediately. I’m starting to think I’m losing my mind :frowning:

Lol. You probably had the video strip selected. Or Active.

Oh - Welcome to the forums…

I wish I’d had the video selected, but I hadn’t even added a video strip yet, lol. It must be my age creeping up on me.

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That’s the magic of this forum… dozens of litte fairies will fly in an instant to you and make you see it without knowing they are there if you participate into this community…

:fairy: :wink: :fairy:

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