Augmented Reality in Blender Game Engine

How would i achieve something like this?

I have something really cool i wanna test out if i can AR

Pardon, what do you mean with “AR”?

Augmented Reality?

Sorry, AR means Augmented Reality. I will change the thread name to that :slight_smile:

Video texture + clever scripting?

really? i didnt think of that sarcastic tone heheh

i wanna get a live video stream from my webcam (which i know can be done in BGE) but how would i just assign the objects to tracj to the markers - is what i need to know :stuck_out_tongue:

I know there was a video some years ago. As far as I remember they didn’t provided the source code for it.

Darn it :frowning:

Check out Goran’s stuff.

thats cool :stuck_out_tongue: not exactly what im lookin for though :confused:

So ive been looking around… theres this thing called “ARToolKit” which is an API for Java, C#, C++, etc… and it can be used as a package in Unity… But i dont want to switch over to those programs, languages… until i can fill out all the blanks in Blender :stuck_out_tongue: It must be possible. others have done it… :frowning:


I hadnt realized, but that vid actually uses the ARToolKit…

This is a demo of the Python ARToolKit wrapper written by Ashsid (

which means, im on the right track :smiley: here are the releases but i see no Python version (doesnt python work with C++?) which means it could be converted/used…


Here is the download link for the code.

so for those not knowing what AR is… well its this.

pretty cool, so u can basically make, like, kinect games in BGE? nice! … heck u could make it even better

exactly what im going for! cept a little different. i want to take realworld games and merge it with BGE to make a very interactive project.

But Im still not sure how to use the NyARToolKit in Blender…

hmm still no advancements in this - bump to see if anyone new has a clue :stuck_out_tongue:

At one stage I was interested in AR, and looked into various things. I never actually got anywhere though, after realizing that it is a bit of a dead end. What can you do with AR? Make adverts? I can’t see it as a great gameplay mechanic either, holding your hands for more than a few minutes get’s tiring.
But it would be a cool thing to do.

I found this searching for importing a webcam feed into blender:

So it obviously can be done.

There are threads around about AR in pygame, and I see that that vid uses it, so if that gives you a start?

oh cool - well my idea was to hve a card game like yugioh where you can see the monsters and they can fight.

thanks for the link ill look into that :stuck_out_tongue:

Read the friendly manual …

video4linux capture card (this includes many webcams)
