Auto-blend/soften texture along selected edges

Is there a way to have blender automatically soften/blend a texture based on the uv map and selected edges?

I have a simple tile-able rock texture. I built a boulder model, added seams, and generated a uv map. To blend the seams where the texture doesn’t line up, I’m using the softening tool in texture paint mode. If there’s a way to have Blender auto blend based on the current texture, selected edges, and uv map of the object that will be quicker.

This are two different things:
Softening = blurring: no… AFAIK there is no blur node in the blender shader nodes yet.
Blending = mixRGB: yes… you can use a gadient node and some positioning (or any controll texture map) to mix one color info with another…

Actually… Blender can automatically blur the seams if the texture is box-mapped.
There is “blend” parameter in the texture node.
Not sure how to make it work when UV mapped, though.

“blend” set to 0.0 - Seams are clearly visible

“blend” increased - Seams are blured

That is blending, not blurring. The texture itself is unblurred.

Well, yes, that’s true.

Point is, what’s the objective here? To cover the seams or just to blur the texture? I understood it’s the former.

The initial goal was to blend… but the OP used soften in absence of a better solution… (?).

Thank you for the replies! My intent is to blend the seams, but I was using the texture painting tools manually.

Using the box-mapped texture and the blend parameter works well enough for me. I can also bake the output to a separate texture if I want to do use a flat texture in the future.