Auto-rig Pro [3.69]

@Kelleytoons: Here isan exported fbx as humanoid type. The limbs are modular, there are pre-defined checkboxes to enable/disable the fingers, toes and other parts.
The automatic bones placement should work fine in most cases, unless the character’s proportions are weird, or some props such as a backpack are leading to wrong volume calculation (in this case the spine bones could be placed in the backpack, since it calculates the middle point between the front torso and the backpack “back”).

I just got the rig. Yea!

Blender 2.79a not supported yet?

I saw the previous post on this thread about support (posted Feb 18th). But, I got the latest official Blender (Feb 28th)

Using Smart, I go through the rig placing markers for the neck, chin, shoulders, wrists, spine root, and ankles. Then I click, “Go”

I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\auto_rig_pro-master\”, line 395, in execute
File “C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\auto_rig_pro-master\”, line 2188, in _auto_detect
if wrist_bound_back == None:
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘wrist_bound_back’ referenced before assignment

location: <unknown location>:-1

I downloaded a model from blendswap to test. I did get further. I am not seeing errors. I placed smart markers, then hit the “go” button.

All that UI clutter at the feet is expected at this stage of set-up? (seems different than in the docs and video)

@timmyelliot: Hi, from the error log it seems the wrist marker was positionned out of the mesh… If it happens press Ctrl-Z or restore the file, and make sure to place it properly before hitting Go.
The UI objects should not be visible, but they are because of a previous error: the script stopped somewhere in the middle leading to this mess. More instructions could be added to revert to the original scene in case of error, that’s indeed something to consider. But for now just press Ctrl-Z or restore the file.
By the way, yes Blender 2.79a is supported :slight_smile:

Now fixed in the latest update (3.34d), the scene is restored in case of marker error.

Thank you! I love your product.

So I was wondering, what do you do when you have an error like this?

Better picture of what error I’m encountering:

Is there a fix to this? What am I doing wrong?

Hi everyone, I’m using Blender and AutoRig-Pro for rigging and animating characters for a small indie game.
I’m having this problem with “Set UI Cam”, nothing is visible.
I’ve already checked Camera Clipping and I don’t’ know what else can bring this error. Someone has experienced the same?

Hi lucky
Great progress with the add-on. Thanks for your effort.

I have a future request for exporter. Can you please support gltf2 exporting beside fbx exporter ?
here is the link to add-on page

a request if you can is add skip frames to the auto rig pro remap. mostly for heavy frame mocap purposes and to want to have less frames in general

I second this request. Up and coming game engine Godot doesn’t support fbx, but last i tried I had issues with gltf animations into godot but maybe user error.

I’m having the same issue, similar grey background with green outline.

Hello sir, this seems like a very worth-it program that could solve my little rigging problem.
but as a professional broke guy, I’ll probably never be able to purchase it.
Kudos on creating it.

Save Wildlife
God Bless
Oh, and Happy Earth Day.

Hey i have a question. I got A character which is split into separate pieces, meshes/objects ( for character customization in game)
how can i export them separately from one blend file ? There is no save selected feature in the exporter and i only got it working to export the latest mesh i bound to the rig. - i think this should work i just think i am doing something wrong anybody any ideas?

Hey, sorry for missing all the latest posts. It seems email notifications was broken (it’s likely related to the website migration, very cool new website design by the way). I’ll reply as soon as possible.

Do the first error still happens with the latest version? If so please PM me with an example blend file leading to this error, i’m unable to reproduce it here.
About the second error, it seems you removed the additive rig manually. It’s unexpected and it leads to this error. Click Match to Rig to generate a new additive rig, it should fix the issue.

Budello and Aerys:
This may unfortunately happen when working with non initialized Blender units, such as 0.01 units. The camera view has a extreme zoom. Just select the UI camera and increase the “Orthographic scale” value:

Ali-RS and anim_blend:
Yes, I defnitely think glTF is the best alternative and future of Fbx format, since Fbx is the worst format to maintain (closed source). I’ll look forward adding it.

It may be more straightforward to use the “Simplify Curves” addon (embedded by default in Blender)

Thanks, glad you enjoy!

All skinned meshes (that have an armature modifier) are exported if they are visible in the scene. You can hide some of them to exclude them from being exported. However it would be an interesting feature indeed to export only selected meshes, i’ll look forward adding this.

Hey thx for the answer ! well this works so it is fine :slight_smile: but maybe still worth it as it is easier to do then hide unhide bunch of stuff :slight_smile: even cooler would be a batch exporter :smiley: …i have many parts xD
As a side note with 2.8 on the horizon, i know it is still too early to ask maybe, but do you generally intend to port the addon to 2.8? - and any thoughts on rig compatability ? i myself have not tried opening a file yet, thought maybe you know what the status is on that.

Is there a way to get custombones i add after binding to export to unreal by any chance?

Sure the addon will be updated for the 2.8 Blender API. It’s still too unstable for now, when Blender 2.8 will be in beta state it will be time to work on that.
To include custom bones in the Fbx export, make sure their names start with “cc_”, such as “cc_sword”. This prefix is the key to notify the exporter to take them into account.