Auto-rig Pro [3.69]

Thank you very much for your kindness, Mr.lucky!
I solved these errors with your good advice!
Your addon is wonderful! I love it.

Please bear with me for asking so many times but I got a new error when I exported my file with “Auto-rig pro (.fbx)” .
This error picture is here.

Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the solving.

My Blender ver. is 2.80
Auto-rig ver. 3.41_44

Thank you.

Thanks for reporting the issue, it seems to be another change in Blender 2.8 API that had not been updated in the export code.
Please try again with the latest version 3.41.45, it should be fixed.

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It worked very well!!
Thank you for your wonderful response beyond my imagination!
I’ll treasure your excellent addon.
Thank you very much! Mr.lucky XD

I have a question regarding the export to unreal. I don’t find the setting showed in the tutorial video as shown in the pictures. I think its from 2.79 and Im in 2.8 now. Rig is created from “Human” preset in ARP.
How can i add additional bone to be ready for unreal?
If i export with current 3 bones i get error in Unreal and character is broken. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, dumb question. I figured it out. It can be adjusted under “limb” options by changing to 4 spine bones. Now its working nice! But i have additional question. How i can export with right size for unreal? Because now its way to big to match into unreal preset. I know there are ways to scale it in unreal, but can i scale it somehow on export or in blender? I know from 3dsmax, that scaling after rig is in general not good idea, but i don’t know if blender works different. In general what is the best workflow to get rid of wrong scale? Thank you in advance!

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

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Hello @Woolfy13, you can scale the rig, in object mode, in Blender. Then you can “Match to Rig” again to ensure the rig scale will be set to 1.0.

I’m developer of weight paint tools for blender. Some people have problems using it with Auto Rig,
I wonder can you share a copy, so I can check what is going on?
Do you have paypal?

I’d prefer to know what problems they encounter, i’ve been using it for years without any specific issue with this addon. It works the same as any rig, except that the additive controllers weights use a second armature modifier, thus it’s not possible to normalize all weights, since weights from each armature work independently.
You can download this example character to see how it works:
PS: by the way, glad to meet the developer of skinning tools!

I think user have problems because of 2 armature modifiers that Autorig creates. Should be easy fix.

Thank you very much for the answer! I have the character already skinned to the bones. If I scale the rig down with the character, it scales both, then I press “Match to Rig” the rig stays small, but the character become huge.
I think it scales the rig fine, but the mesh get resized to default scale. I was also trying to apply the scale of the mesh before clicking on "Match to Rig), but it does not work.

Ah, I can confirm the issue with the Blender 2.8 version. Used to work in Blender 2.79 but it has to be fixed in Blender 2.8, sorry. I’ll work on a fix as soons as possible. For now you can workaround it by scaling the meshes manually, by applying the same scale value that you applied to the rig.

Nice, thanks for the info! I can scale the character now.So i can work around till the fix is there. One thing i noticed, if i scale the rig via “Transform” window for example to 0.5 then it rotates the left foot bone 180 degrees as shown in the picture. But if I scale it by hand, it does not happen. I will scale by hand now, so it’s not the killer. Thanks a lot!

@lucky “Transfer Mesh Data” panel is inactive for me, and it does not work when I click on any option, by the way do you have any clue why this is happening?

Never mind, seems it was a blender issue. A reset factory settings fixed it :slight_smile:

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Hey @lucky
After I click “Edit Reference Bone” then modify Roll of a bone in Edit Mode (in my example it is from -66 to -85), then if I click on the “Match to Rig” button, it will reset the roll to the previous value (-66).

Can you please confirm if this is an issue with the add on or am I doing something wrong?
I am using blender 2.8 with the latest version of the add on.


I too have a similar problem. I’ve opened my rig in 2.8 and hit the Update Armature button in the “misc” tab of the ARP tab, followed by “Match to Rig” - however, when I try to edit the pose the rig remains static. Animations still seem to work though – but I can’t edit the data.


Any help as to what might be causing this would be greatly appreciated

Hello, I just bought Auto-rig Pro and I’m having an issue with version 3.40_17 for Blender 2.79. The initial armature generation seems to go smoothly, but I am getting a Float Division By Zero error in _align_arm_bones() when I click Match to Rig, and the rig that’s generated looks broken (I think). Am I doing something wrong?

The roll value of IK limbs (arms and legs) is calculated when “Match to Rig”, based on the alignment of the bones. This is to ensure correct IK-FK snap. To adjust the roll, you have to adjust the alignment, more informations in the doc here:

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It’s not obvious to diagnose the issue, but i’d tend to say the “Only Origins” transform mode may be enabled in this case: