Auto-rig Pro [3.69]

Hi aMars,

Hopefully you’ll find a helpful solution in the FAQ:

I guess python can’t run as expected if ‘Trusted Source’ is not checked.

Thank you that solved it, sorry I didn’t see the FAQ.

Awesome addon

I’m having an error, a script error on line 296 and 735 is about aligning the bones, I took a print to see better.
Sorry for my English, I’m Brazilian.

You’re welcome aMars, please let me know if something doesn’t work as expected.

Strange things, can’t reproduce here.
Which blender version are you using? Can you check with the official 2.78a?
Looks like the python API has changed.

Hi! Is there any way to download a free version? I can’t find it on the link posted on the thread. Thanks!
I recommend you pay for the full version. It´s easily worth it, if only for the developer support, and supporting further development. Furtthermore the version on githuib is not the latest version, but it is a good way to try it out and see if you have use for it.

That’s the correct link thanks BrilliantApe. It has been updated recently so yes you can test it and see if you like.
Multi-limb feature will come soon! :slight_smile:

Hi Lucky, thanks for your amazing work.

I’m just trying this addon, and have a tricky question:

After I get the rigging done, what is the best way to link the rig into another scene? I tried adding rig, rig_add and rigui and all my objects (body, clothes, etc) to a group. Then I link the group and proxify the rig. Works somewhat, but the FK bones in the spine and arms don’t work. Possible other things… eg. IK hands work but won’t rotate.

Do you have a suggested workflow for making the rig linkable?

Hi Hammer,

Linking a rig has always been an issue here. Haven’t found a solid way to proceed, I’ve always encountered troubles to properly setup the proxy bones custom shapes, armature layers…
As far as I know the best it to append it rather than linking. If you update your character/rig, you can delete the old version in the final scene, append the new one, and re-link the action/animation to it.

Ok thanks lucky! I guess it’s the issue of having two or more armatures on the same rig. Anyway, appreciate the tip.

Actually seems to work in Blender 2.78a!

Try the following:
-Link your character
-Select the armature, Ctrl-Alt-P, Make Proxy

I bought this rig for $30. I LOVE IT. I absolutely love it. It is worth it, totally. I LOVE the fact that the facial rig is for both direct mesh deform and for use as bone drivers for facial morphs. The speed the interface gives us is amazing, with the simple click placement of the circles it is so incredibly fast. Honestly, about 5-7 days worth of rigging is done in about 3-4 minutes. I will encourage every single Blender character animation student to purchase it. I do have one caveat though which I would gladly spend a few extra bucks for. I know PBR realtime rendering is coming to Blender soon, but besides simple real time rendering and Matinee use for video export, seeing my Blender character in Unreal as a ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint is truly satisfying. I tried re-targeting the auto rig to Unreal’s default SK_Mannequin rig, but blech, no luck. It took a while to figure out which of the auto rig bones were the most compatible deform bones. I didn’t come out with much success. I even tried to start from scratch and make my own rig with the same bone hierarchy and names listed for Unreal’s SK_Mannequin skeletal structure, but blech, no luck, something went wrong when I re-targeted Unreal’s default SK_Mannequin idle, walk, and run animations. It more the broke :slight_smile: I know this a Blender forum, and apologize for bringing up multi app pipeline’s, but if you can build an auto rig that successfully re-target’s with Unreal’s default SK_Mannequin, I will make it a PERSONAL MISSION that sales of your auto rig increase. I don’t want my students to use Maya to Unreal. I want my students to use Blender to Unreal, with bone driven facial morphs, as well as access to all of Unreal’s default mocap files. I can primarily do this by making such a rig a “requirement” for a smooth Blender to unreal character animation pipeline. Hundreds, possibly thousands of students. At $30 or $40 a student. I am greatly interested.

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Thanks for your feedback Rich Lee, much appreciated!

There’s something tricky in UE I can’t figure it out. The same fbx works for retargetting in Unity but not UE. I don’t know if it’s a unit scale problem or anything like this. Will keep on investigating.


I have done a fair bit of research into this.

  1. You need a root bone at the root of the bone hierarchy if you are exporting a skeletal mesh to UE. This bone should be called “Root”.
  2. You need to export it down the X Positive Axis. Z is up.
  3. Do NOT export Leaf bones at export - This will greatly simplify the rig in unreal 4 and remove unnecessary bones that are not needed by UE4.

As for unit set up in UE4 use metric. With a scale of 0.01

If you need a video I would recommend


That said this is an awesome plugin - I just picked it up a few days ago and I am Loving it.

Edit: Totally forgot to add this and this Might also be helpful if you are using 2.78 :slight_smile:

Thanks HeadClot! Actually the problem was the scale, it’s necessary to set the Blender unit to Metric and 0.01 scale so that the bone ‘component’ transform in UE get a 1.0 scale instead of 100. The retargetting failed because of this. It’ s almost done, but it’s more work than expected because it involves scaling the armature, applying the scale, resetting the stretch bones and so on… But fortunately one button will do this automatically :slight_smile:

Auto-Rig Pro is already pretty great, but when this lands it’ll be pure awesomeness…

Glad to finally announce that Unreal Engine is now supported using the Humanoid (retargetting features) / Generic rig in the latest 3.07version!
Documentation updated here.
Thanks to Richard for the quick but effective demo here :eyebrowlift:

Do this fix the problem with making animations for the Unreal Store Humanoid? If So, you are awesome.

The Mannequin default animations now retarget properly, so it should be the same for any other humanoid animation. Hopefully :slight_smile:

I am getting ready to post about this on the Unreal 4 forums, Sub-Reddit, etc.

Thank you so much :smiley: