I’m sorry if someone posted this already and I couldn’t find it.
Is there a way to automatically snap the cursor to the grid in this program? Seems like fairly simple/obvious functionality but I can’t find it.
I’ve gone through tutorials and also made some very shiny beautiful graphics to advertise my research with this program. I love it. But I’ve been wasting a lot of time always clicking, then typing Shift-E and clicking again. For some reason this makes me uncomfortable in the environment. I ALWAYS want the grid! The grid is gorgeous and perfect and wonderful. Long live the grid!
No, actually I already use Shift-S. I was hoping there would be a setting somewhere that would automatically snap the cursor to the grid always, regardless of where I click without having to do all that. At least a hot key to hold while clicking or something! Right now, any time I want to move the cursor I have to click, shift-s, find scroll to “cursor->grid”, click.
The ctrl-move only works when you’re moving objects or vertices. I want the cursor to stick to the nearest grid every time I click somewhere on the grid.
I had found the radio buttons (mine are just toggle buttons) in the user-preferences. With those checked it will automatically step things I’m dragging with the grid, but will not auto-snap the cursor to the grid.
The reason I want to auto-snap to the grid every time I click (and move the cursor) is because I’m creating a lot of different shapes and I want to be able to click once, create an object centered on a grid point, click again, create another object etc… but currently I have to click-shift-s-click every time which is obnoxious for this kind of work.
Almost in 2020, in 2.8x there’s a “move cursor” tool, activated with default keymap with shift+right mouse button. That is a full-fledged move tool, respecting snapping settings, such as Increment and Absolute Grid, only instead of moving objects it moves the cursor.
moving the 3D Cursor as the active tool or with Shift RMB, with snapping on and Snap / Increment enabled, the 3D Cursor doesn’t snap to the grid units in the viewport, even in Orthographic view. You have to Snap Cursor to Grid each time.
Something I was going to post as a new thread is that placing the 3D Cursor with Shift RMB does not obey the Orientation settings -
if you place the 3D Cursor as the active tool with Surface Project selected and Orientation setting of Geometry, the 3D Cursor will be placed at the position and orientation of the geo below the cursor, if you do this by placing the cursor with Shift RMB the cursor is not placed on the geometry and at the orientation.
Holding CTR while placing the cursor with Shift RMB will snap it to geometry but not obey the Surface or Orientation settings.
Still having no luck with the snapping the Cursor to the grid.
With Snap to set to increment and Absolute Grid Snap ticked, when I drag the Cursor as the active tool and either hold CTR or have snapping on, the 3D Cursor is not snapping to main unit of the grid
Hm, that’s strange. It does for me, be it meters, decimeters or centimeters. So for you with “10 Centimeters” zoom, it doesn’t snap to 0.1m divisions? In 2.81a?