Automatic UVs cordinates assing or Using Tiles & Tilemaps in Blender


I am making a videogame in 3d space with pixel art and tiles. I use Unity as the game engine and Blender as the map geometry editor. There is a feature in Unity to reduce the drawcalls if models have same material. I’ve decided to use Blender for this purposes and i have a few problems. Manual assigning gives a background line of the tiles atlas. I think that wasn’t right because i have took some parts of background. But it was wrong (see the screenshots). So i have a question about this thing: How can i automatically give UVs size for tile map, and snap it by tile steps. My tile map is 2048 by 2048. Thanks :slight_smile:

Sorry for my English, it’s not my native language.

Have you tried using the “Snap to Pixels” option shown by clicking on the “UVs” tab?

There is, and it works very well!