Automatic Weighting applying strangely (Rigify)

I’m trying to create a rig for a character using rigify. After creating the rig and applying automatic weights, it weight paints in a weird way that I have never seen before:

Weight for spine.006, something similar occurring for ALL bones.

I havent encountered an issue like this before every other character ive made does not have this issue before.

Any fix for this issue would be appreciated, I would also be willing to upload the blender file for troubleshooting.

Blender File:

This would be helpful.

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uploaded it to google drive and edited the post, thanks

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Okay, so from what I can see, your model has a negative scale on it. When I applied the scale, temporarily turned off your outline modifier (clicking the tv looking icon), and turned on face orientation, your normals were flipped. Flipped normals can cause the weighting weirdness that you’re seeing. I recalculated the normals, reautoweighted, then turned the outline modifier back on (I changed the numbers a bit to account for the new scale of the model), and it all seems to work.


Thank you! Worked like a charm, weights applied normally. I didn’t think normals would be an issue (I didn’t even know why they were flipped in the first place)

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