Automatic Weights not being applied, what am I doing wrong?

Hi, I’ve looked up how to solve this problem, but none helped fix my problem. I’d rather not manually weight paint yet as I want to know what happened that prevented weight painting from working so that I could fix the problem if it happened again or to avoid making the same mistake again.

Here’s the file:

(Download Link Removed, Problem was Solved)

Hello and welcome to the platform…Wrong link lol…

There’s a problem with the link.

I don’t know the underlying problem, but for general problems
I don’t know if the video on the link below will help :thinking:

Thank you, I edited the link to an alternative one to see if it removed the sign in page. Both links should work though. Since it’s google, it requires people to be signed in to their google account to see or download the upload. Hopefully it works better now with the new link

I didn’t get a bone heat weighting error, but I’ll try out what the videos say; thank you.

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You may want to set permissions to “Anyone with Link” on your file. Right now, everyone that wants to check out your file has to specifically ask permission.

It worked! The scaling solution solved my problem, thank you! I’ll probably take down the download link now, thank you!

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I’ll keep that in mind if I have another problem with any of my 3d models, thank you for the info

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