Autoremesher open source auto-retopology tool

Hello, I just built a Blender Addon for Autoremesher by huxingyi.

You can find it here :
Save your work before using it can crash depending of the mesh you are using (see Note…).
It is only working on Windows 10 - x64 at the moment, but I will probably add support on other plateforms if there is interest.


  • I did not implemented the loading bar inside Blender at the moment, so when the computation is started, Blender do not respond until the end of the generation.
  • The generation is pretty unstable (not working on lowpoly) at the moment, so you might encounter crashes depending of the mesh that you are using. Blender will be killed since I did not handle this kind of errors.
    Same behaviour happen on the Qt GUI of the original AutoRemesher tool, so I did not handle it (because the author is aware of this issue, and is working toward to fix it).