AutoRig Pro: Build arm without IK?

Hello, is there way to build an AutoRig pro Arm without IK, I would like FK?

  1. I would like the bend of the arm to stay like the green drawing. I would like to keep the arm as FK.

  2. However, when I “Match to Rig” the arm turns into IK and it flips down like the red drawing.

Thank you,

First, let me just say I have never used AutoRig Pro…

Usually, if a limb can use IK, then it can be FK also. Blender’s rigify human rig’s arms and legs can be used in IK or FK. There’s a switch in the UI to set which way you want to work, and the bones for IK and FK are on different layers. Set the switch to FK and turn off the IK bone layers.

I would assume AutoRig Pro works the same way. Pretty much all rigs work that way…

Hope this helps,


IK / FK switches are available. :slightly_smiling_face:

Check out the manual on the link below.

The link below is a YouTube channel. (I didn’t check if the relevant information was included.)

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Thank you, Revolt_Randy.
Thank you, oo_1942 Kim, the answer was in the documentation you sent. Thank you so much for posting the link to the documentation.

Here is a screen grab for anyone else in the future.

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