
Hi all,

I think there are some weakness in this picture, but I’ve done enough for now. Perhaps i’ll post an update in the next weeks, but let’s say it’s (almost) finished.
Done in Blender, rendered with Cycles. The fog as been done in BI.

[Updated 16/03/2013]

Avalon V3

3 versions:

Full of details, share the wire…

Sweet. I really like the colors and textures. I can’t really see anything that doesn’t work.:slight_smile:

Edit: 5 stars.

woah! that’s really awesome! does this have anything to do with your last piece you posted on here all my loving? they seem sorta similar.
and +1 to the wires

This is great!
Wires would be awesome :slight_smile:


The wire is quite simple , nothing fancy. There are two main objects in the scene, here is the wire :

the whole scene as 63000 faces. quite few.

here is my first sketch

thanks for your comments :slight_smile:

ctdabomb : “All my loving” has something similar, perhaps yes. Smoky mood.

Very nice.
But, your sketches are much more interesting. Sorry to say that, but indeed they are. IMO of course.

haaa… i’m afraid you’re right…

Well done! It looks great :smiley: The lighting, materials, modeling, everything. Great job!

This looks amazing! It has a very “painterly” look to it. Also, there’s a very distinct hint of 60s pulp sci-fi, which roots it in a tradition and makes it more than just another bunch of space marines and aliens. IMO. :wink:

Very French (in a good way, I mean)! :slight_smile:
But I agree with Michalis, the sketches are much more interesting, I’d say they suggest 2 different but more striking lighting conditions than in the render.

Imho, a great render, but I can still spot a few weaknesses.
4 stars.


Hi all,

Thanks a lot for your comments :slight_smile:

swashan : as i said (and as you noticed) there are few weaknesses in the picture.
I would be grateful if you could develop (in a private message or in this thread).

Hi All,

I had some time to update the image. New textures and some changes in the composition. I hope you like it.
(see the first post)

Holy Effing crap!

I’m not sure of the meaning of this, let’s take it for a positive
comment :wink:

Wow… big improvement… I love lost of details :smiley: can we see a wireframe? Im guessing the detail on the suits is a texture? Can you tell us how you did it?

BTW. You should keep the old one there though. So that people that have not seen the original know what people are comparing this one to.

Normally, in this situation, it’s a good thing.

Well it works :slight_smile: well done for not letting your limited pc not set you back :smiley:

This is simply perfect, the concept, the idea, the patterns are great, and I will really keep that in mind for future projects.

Thanks and congratulations!