AVE8 - Car thingy (Finished)

Okay started to make another one and this time trying to get even more supercar feeling to it. As some of you might notice there are some recycling done here. The tires ar of AVE8, and paint too. The car does not yet have all the details i am planing to give it, but most basic shapes are there now. Also interior is still missing.

And here are few WIP shots. (Blender internal, no GI or AO)

FINISHED: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=119594


I like this much more than the AVE7. The edge on the sides is a little extreme, it’s usually more subtle, but still it does divide the car nicely between reflecting sky and environment. The exhausts made me laugh; very rocket-like!

The roof looks a tiny bit flat to me, perhaps lacking height/curvature in the middle of the car. Also the glass looks odd, very CG rather than realistic. Can you use something with less specularity but more reflection? The rear lights need to be spread too, the indicators need to be close to the outer edges so you can tell from a distance which side they’re on. :smiley:

Overall, good looking car but the glass in particular needs a tweak in my view.


Roof heightened a bit, another paintjob… Some interior now… Some adjustments to windshields. Some adjustments to headlights. and lots of minor stuff.

your designs are awesome. Do you do much sketching before hand or do you just sort of go with the flow in blender?

Tell me you’re gonna enter the F1 contest. It’d be a crime for you to not enter it.

F1 contest? Whats that?

Before i star to model… well actually i start modelling right away… but i kinda model first “layout” of the car. .basic shape and fiddle around with it before starting to making the real deal. “keep it simple”

Anyway the thingy is now finished and can be seen in http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=119594

What’s that!? http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=119544

Go and learn, my child.

I have an interesting approach to vehicles myself: I do several days of sketches, put a profile of one up in blender as a background and then completely ignore it while I model :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, you have to enter that contest, dude.

Hmm i think i’ll just try that… Looks fun.

hmm, i have to say the shape doesn’t really do it for me, it just looks as though it’s going to melt any time soon. I does kind of remind me of a lotus elise a bit though. I guess i’ll have to wait and see how this one pans out.

Yeah it has bit of Lotus elise look in it… but it is allready finished look here ->

Very original design. Nice modeling:)

Oh i’ll post one of the final shots here too…