I made these aviators for a project I’m working on and then, decided to make them a bit nicer to sell on turbosquid.
Here is the description of them on TurboSquid:
"These aviators will make your scene/character cooler than anybody else. They feature a realistic lens texture, metallic frame, and realistic plastic over the ears.
Everything is parented to the main frame of the glasses so, you can move the whole mesh by moving the main frame. Also, the frames that goes over the ears can be rotated realistically using the empties that they are parented to.
The empties for the ear frames are locked and can only rotate on the Z axis.
The lens has a texture plugged into the roughness value of the glossy node, it can be removed to have a perfect reflective surface. The reason behind the texture is to make the lens look lightly scratched/smudged"
Also, here’s the wireframe render:
So, I guess I’m just curious to see everybody’s opinions on the model itself and the quality of the turbosquid post. Is there any tags that I should have added? How does the topology look? Is that a good price? Etc.
Here’s the link to turbosquid: http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-aviators-metallic-glasses/905977