First Fluid test, and first thing ever done in blender, I used Yafray to render.
I must say, this Blender Rocks!
ps: where are the caustic settings?

Nice Splash! btw, welcome to elysiun!

would you mind showing your settings, I haven’t quite gotten the hang of fluids yet… :expressionless:

Great work!

Sure , these are my settings:


You have to use Yafray to get caustics. And then you get a new lamp, called photon lamp, and you use that. GI doesn’t need to be on.


Good picture epte. Splash high quality!!!

Did you model the fluid thing manually, or is there a setting to do that?
I tried to make a fluid, but I couldn’t figure out how to set an object as a fluid object, how do I do that?

Oh , it is very easy, do this:
1:create a box

2:create any closed object, an icosphere for now

3:place the sphere inside the box

4: select the box and go to the particle panel and enable the fluid, than select the domain for the box, leave the settings the way they are

5: select the sphere and go to the particle panel and select fluid for it

6: select the box again, and go to the particle panel and select a output folder for the simulation

7:click on bake

8:enjoy your simulation


Also, using fluids, is there a way to do this:

Have a sphere go through a cube and make a splash or a ripple, like the sphere starts out away from the cube, moves on a path through the cube and make a splash/ripple?

in theory, yes, but I dont know how yet, I didnt experiment the fluid that much, the image I did with fluids was the very first thing I did in blender, so I am experimenting other things now.

That is not possible with Blender 2.4. There is work currently being done to create that functionality.

I am rendering a test fluid sim right now! Great work, now, something tells me you followed a tutorial :slight_smile: , could you tell me which one???

Good job. :slight_smile:

Yoshi_Rider: You might want to check the official docs:

Yes, I don`t remember where, but was here on the forum, just a step by step thing just like the one I posted here.
On blender wiki there is a good tut too:

Great thanks for those tuts gotta try them. Great fluid simulation.

I must say…what is this doing in the finished projects?

Tests don’t belong here.

But otherwise nice splash.


those are great tutorials ,its tricky to get the drop to land in the cup
in the second one though…
i see you used a resolution of 100 in your bake settings

was this your second bake