Axo Drake Crossbreed (Custom D&D Creature)

Edit #1:

Made a few changes to the model and textures to make the purebreed drake, here it is:

A custom Dungeons & Dragons creature design made from a concept by my friend Matthew Broitman from the website Halfbeard’s HUD ( who commissioned me to model it.

This is the final model.

This is the draft with spikes instead of barbels.

The Sketchfab models:

The timelapse:

The modeling is very good. It is natural and free flowing. However the textures let this character down. If you want to improve something on this character make the textures look better. I am not sure if this character is scalley or furry? I think If there it is a scaled creature apply a displacement map and make it bumpy. Good luck.

The size of the scale texture bump means that it will look a bit off unless you used it for actual displacement of the geometry instead. I would also look at making a custom scales image texture for the creature since the procedural voronoi pattern may not always be the best fit.

Also, the shading could use a bit of work (more glossy and more SSS shading for starters). It looks like a good start, but a little bit of learning more about what you can do with Blender can make him much better yet.

@Chariot Rider It’s a scaly creature but sadly displacement won’t help since the model is too lowpoly for it to make any effect. Thanks for the advice, though. I really need to step up my texturing process.
@Ace Dragon The final render is a direct screenshot from Sketchfab, only the modeling is in blender. point noted though, I have a long way to go in making good textures. Thanks for helping me.