B3.2 GeoNodes: an animated wheel counter ( with instance UV bug workaround )

Hi !

In the old days, existed some wheel or barrel counters ( on tape recording devices… maybe you remember ).
I want one for my lil animations and i finally managed to make and animate it with geometry nodes :smiley:

Hope you like it :smiley:

Happy blending !


Awesome! Nice use of geometry nodes. This would also work for combination locks.


glad you like it :smiley:

Thanks and happy blending ! :slight_smile:

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By the way, is the motion blur option a driver shortcut for motion blur, or do you somehow artificially blur the shader?

hi @Charles_Weaver :slight_smile:

The motion blur has nothing to do with any motion blur in blender.

I choosed to use another texture with blurred digits so that it allows to blur with whatever method with 2D editors like photoshop or gimp :slight_smile:

here are the 2 textures:

The shaders are finally simple principled BSDF

Happy blending ! :slight_smile:


I tried to add a frame to the counter but had trouble with the GeoNodes UV bug when realizing instances…

realizing instances must be done so that a boolean can be applied to counter.

Finally it works fine with a simple workaround ( some say devs are working on this since months… LMAO :rofl: )

So here’s the result:

and the workaround is in material:

Happy blending !


I’m quite satisfied with the video result this lil counter visually looks like :smiley:
just a short peek: ( sorry for the sound… please lower it before you hit ‘play’ :blush: )

Hope you like it and happy blending !

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