B3.5 and 3.6 rigify eyes bug

Hi all :slight_smile:

I’m not sure wether i’m dumb or rigify is buggy nightmare :stuck_out_tongue:

test-rerig-afterrigify.zip (982.2 KB)

In this file, eyes just don’t work at all…
What am i missing ? Should i rewrite my own working rigify addon ? :joy:

Everything is absolutely unobvious with this addon even if it appears appealing ( eg hands planar control ) but well this is ok now i’m on eyes that refuse to move…

I gave a try at weight painting but it appears to be another nightmare… There are gazillion of bones and no clue on what is THE bone that drives weighted mesh…

Any help would be greatly appreciated :wink:

Thanks and happy blending !

I made a video about rigging eyes with Rigify, so maybe this will help.


Hi @thetony20 :smiley:

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:
I saw you vid ( pretty well done btw :wink: ) and your method is quite obvious and straightforward.
But if you take a look at my file, you’ll see there are no DEF_eye bone.
I tried to weight paint my eye with several bones ( and set weight to 0 for surrounding bones ) but i’m unable to make the eyes handle move the eyes…

Here’s an updated file:
test-rerig-afterrigify-fix.zip (797.7 KB)

You should find the DEF eye bones are now there.

I did two main things to fix it. First, on the metarig, within Rigify I Upgraded the face rig (possible this isn’t actually needed, but it’s nice to use the latest full rig setup).

Second and this is more likely why it wasn’t working, is due to a error in the metarig when I went to re-generate the rig. It is very likely that that error was preventing the face DEF bones from being created.

What the problem was, is that you pulled apart the two mouth corner bones, at the very corner of the mouth. The two tails of the top and bottom lip of the mouth, must be exactly on top of each other at the corner, it’s just how the whole rig system is made. Once I snapped them back together and re-generated the rig again, the eye DEF bones showed up, as did a bunch of animation controls for the face, since there was no longer any rig generation errors.

You will still have issues rigging the eyes however, since you have them all part of the whole character mesh. While ‘doable’ with weight painting, unless it must be all one mesh object, I’d advise having the eyes as separate sphere objects, much like my video and then rig them that way.


ow your answer explains me why the face rig upgrade generated errors. This is the reason why i abandoned it…

you seem to perfectly know rigify constraints ( much metter than i do :wink: ) and perfectly pointed the problem thanks a lot for those explainations !

And also thank you very much for the fixed blend :smiley:

I’d like to ask you for another thing about rig.
As i use Unity3D as a target realtime renderer, i’d like to remove some bones for reducing the Unity3D calculation burden. Is it possible without messing up rigify features ?

Thanks and happy blending ! :smiley:

Yes and no, but it can get very tricky on the default metarig.
So to start with, you’d really only want to edit the metarig, so that it still generates a working animation rig.
Even then there’s only so much you can ‘fairly easily’ do, that would make much difference to the number of bones.
For example, in edit mode on the metarig I was able to dissolve one of the neck bones, but then you need to rename the spine.006 bone to spine.005 so that it still all connects together. At which point a generated rig will then just have a single bone to deform the whole neck. Great for maybe a robot that can spin it’s whole head around, but may not look so good for a person.
Another example would be say the arms, with the metarig only has one bone for upper and lower arm, by default the generated rig will in fact split that into two bones and give you additional tweak controls.
But you can stop that and hence reduce the bones in the animation rig, but adjusting the Rigify type properties. You do that on the metarig as well, HOWEVER you must be in pose mode on the metarig and select the bone properties panel, where you can change the Limb Segments for the Rigify type.

It’s likely there is more that one can do, but at this point you are starting to get to the stage that one would use the overall Rigify system to create your own ‘metarig’ setup for the specific rig you need. And that means really dividing deep into how it actually all works, and likely having a good knowledge of IK/FK rigging in general.

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