"Baby Drifter" - Blender Car Animation Short

Do you remember the 180 in-out drift from “Baby Driver”?? The coolest stunt in the film IMO.
But for some reason they decided to do the stunt in an empty alley and with an old truck.

I thought that deserved a little remake! :slight_smile:

Some screenshots from the short:

And now!!.. Some technical rambling:

So I always had a passion for cars - And one thing is beautiful, static CG cars which you can find loads of on Instagram, but another is animated action sequences with cars. For some reason people tend to not do those - Now I know why…

It takes a loooong time, heheh.

So I used Blender to animate, Cycles to Render and After Effects and Nuke to composite the shots for this film. I wanted to reach a very high level of photo-realism and well… I sorta failed. But this was what I could do in the time I allowed myself to work on the project.

To animate the cars I used my own tool “Launch Control” and I used HDRis from “cgibackgrounds.com” to light the shots. I was also experimenting with the awesome tool “HDRI maker” (https://blendermarket.com/products/hdri-maker) to project the HDRi’s onto geometry instead of building out everything with 3D-assets.

Fun fact… around 33% of what you see on screen is just a projected HDRi map, which saved me a ton of time when creating the environment. Some examples here:

Late in the process I switched my compositing pipeline over to Nuke and I was absolutely impressed by the result. The linear ACES workflow is childs-play inside Nuke compared to other comp packages.

I followed Citrine’s Animations’ tutorial on “Blender → Nuke” and it was a huge help to get started:

Lastly… Just a huge thank you to everybody who bought Launch Control - That is what made it possible for me to take out time of my weeks to work on this passion project. More to come :slight_smile:

Stay awesome out there and happy Blending!!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!