Hey there I need your support. Baby Yoda just might not be cute enough. Need some opinions.
Right now Im focusing on the face. Obviously he still has no arms or feet. I just want to nail the cute face for now.
I am trying to achieve a stylized look. Kinda like this little cat
Let me know how this guy can be cuter.
Make the eyes bigger, and give some ‘fake’ specular highlights (A white blob, essentially). It can be difficult to achieve stylized look - it’s a skill in it’s self.
I’d also make ears much thicker and floppier - at the moment, they’re very thin and stabby. Also, focus more on the shape of the head - at the moment, it’s sorta a rounded cube, whereas baby yoda’s head is more oval, and he has puffy little cheeks.
Study baby yoda some more - see what about him you think makes him cute, and amplify those features. You might also want to look up Chibi art and the like, which is basically ‘cutesy art’.
Good luck!