Babylon 5 type Crew Transport Ship !>WIP<!

Hey all,

I’m just about finished texturing this shuttlecraft, and have yet to add a space/nebula sceen and proper lighting, but wanted to post what i got so far and see whachoo all think and maybe get some suggestions to make it rock.


Blend on, and blend well!!!

cool! nice textures!

But about the textures, i think it looks like the crew spent their welfare cheques on crack/cocain and wound up having to re-fit the hull using their neighbours garbage cans, but it was about the only tech metal panel texture i could find (yeah i cheated, thats not my jpg wraped around the model). :o)


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Hey, nice job. That’s from a lightwave tue, isn’t it? (I tried to do it in Lightwave and didn’t get very far)


yup yup,

Someone posted :

: in the forums a few days ago and i happend upon it. I had to follow what i could since it IS a lightwave tutorial and translate it into Blender. But its definatly worthy of a Blendarian to look over, great tutes!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!