Back in the Saddle!

Just wanted to drop in and re-introduce myself. I’ve been a long-time blender user and even have an old account on here somewhere. I kind of stopped using Blender to focus on Houdini, then I was doing comp and some pipeline and now I’m working as an fx td.

Yesterday our manager surprised us all in that he’s interesting in adding Blender to our pipeline.

Blender has come a long way, but it still manages to feel familiar, I was able to dive in pretty quick and build a simple model to test round-trips through Houdini with.

I’m super amped!

If anyone knows of any good resources for production-oriented and collaboration practices, or a good primer for Python with Blender, it’d be greatly appreciated!


Welcome to BA :slight_smile:

Since you seem like someone familiar with technical docs, I’d send you straight to the best source- the docs:

I may be misunderstanding what you’re looking for, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about Kitsu:
I’ve also heard that it requires some tinkering to work with your folder structures.

Lastly, as a Houdini user, I’d recommend looking into geometry nodes- you’ll feel right at home :slight_smile:

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This YouTube channel might also be of benefit. All Blender/Python videos

CG Python

Excited for you with your teams’ new direction!

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Hi Shawn

The Blender Studios own Scripting for Artists course is well rated. It’s not a free course but if you go onto Blender Studio you help support development too and if you are introducing Blender into production it’s probably good to be on there anyway. I see there is already a link posted to the pipeline and tools section.

Blender has come a long way. I’m an industry vet too and I am constantly amazed at what it can do. I have a couple of times used Blender alongside Maya pipelines in the last few years. Often sharing animation scenes and assets through Alembic back and forth. Everything works very well so far. I generally just find it a joy to work with. Fast and fluid.

All the best.