Backdrop does not appear with Viewer Node?

Attached is a screenshot of what I currently see.

I am fairly confused right now, because after fiddling about with backdrop, and googling for ways to make it happen, people would say; “add a viewer node!”. Usually for those who needed help, it worked! But sadly, I’m not one of those people where it worked.

And this is also really confusing for me as well, because I have worked on another project where the Viewer node was pre-loaded once I opened the node window and it functioned fine.

Maybe I’m just overlooking some small thing, or something really big and I’m just a bit dumb.
Either way, I’m constantly scratching my head over this.

You haven’t ticked ‘Use Nodes’ on the nodes window header. Tick it and re-render the scene. That should update the Render Layers input node and let the viewer display the render as Backdrop. Hope this helps…

Also sometimes the viewer window won’t refresh until there is a render result available, so after mobimo’s solution hit render F12.

Yeah that solved it.

I tried ticking “use nodes” many times before but it didn’t refresh. Thanks for the help guys.