Backdrop not showing


Composite and viewer are connected. I pressed F12 and nothing showing up unless the render thumbnail in the render layer node.

Any idea what am I missing?

Try disconnecting the viewer node and reconnecting it. :thinking:


If rendering or viewer is confirmed in the UV window, it has been processed normally.
There is no problem with rendering and nodes, but there seems to be a delay in the background display of Compositing.

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test.blend (1.3 MB)
I clean everything unless the camera… only a cube but I can’t obtain render backdrop. I uploaded the scene if somebody can take a look

In the N panel, ‘View’ tab, the ‘Zoom’ value is set to ‘nan’ (“Not A Number”)…

Set it to 1, and then clink on the ‘Fit’ button below.

The backdrop should appear, after you render the scene.

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It works now… I didn’t know that value, I never had this problem unless the “typical” error of the unplugged view node. Thanks, Secrop

In theory, this isn’t supposed to happen… A FloatProperty shouldn’t allow a NAN value inside. :confused:

I’ll try to check if there’s some bug in the source code, but I suspect your blend file may be corrupt (at least at that value).

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