Backface culling of an image as plane in Cycles?

Hi folks,

Imagine this:

I have some metaballs and above them i want to play a video on a plane that will reflect off the balls.

Problem is, i want my camera to view from above, but the 2 sided plane is obscuring my view.

It works in Eevee (backface culling) but not in Cycles.

Any one have any tips on how to get this working in Cycles?


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Backface culling do work in cycles, it just need a different setup. You need to setup your material with a mix shader and use the backfacing as an input.

You mean like this?

CyclesBackfaceCullingTest004.blend (1.1 MB)

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Yes, exactly like that. :+1:

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mark it solved… to avoid solving guys to focus on it.
sorry it was for @Daz_Harris