Background gradient world in Cycles (example pics included)


how do i recreate the world I made like in the Blender render the first screenshot below, in Cycles?
I want it to have a linear gradient, blue to white.
It does need to seem a little cartoony, no realism here.
Been searching for it, and did find a lot of answers, but none of them really helped me.


The one I made in Blender render and I want in Cycles:

One of many failed attempts:

u can use nodes like materials (go to the node editor and switch from object to world nodes)

Yeah, tried that but didnt get the result I wanted. Thanks anyway!
I used a background plane. But this changed the colors of my other objects a little bit.
So I used some nodes to fix this.
If anyone want to know how I did it, check the prntscreen below.


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