i set a background image
then a plane and i did a model in front of the plane
this is with 2.47
if i leave the plane there in the camera render i see the background image revdrersed and the background image is not even behindf this model - and if i remove the plane i don’t see the background image anymore
why is this ?
i tough the plane would be in front of the background image and the camera should not see it ?
I tried to rebuild that case but I am not sure whether I understood the problem right (sorry in case I misunderstood you). So just have a look to the .blend file and the rendered image. In the .blend file I have a background image, a plane before that background image with an image texture mapped to it and in front of the plane I have a model. I use svn revision 16112 (2.47) running on kubuntu linux.
Thanks for posting the .blend. There are two things I noted:
When I have a look to the image texture on the plane Blender indicates that it is an RBGA image. When load the texture into Gimp or Photoshop I can see that it is a simple RGB image without an alpha channel. That would explain why you see the plane rather than just the figure. In case there was an alpha channel I agree with you that it should be transparent and you only see the figure rather than the whole plane.
The orientation of the image is in fact stange. When I create a new plane and use your image texture to texture it the orientation is as I would expect: straight up rather than upside down as in your file. I am sorry but I have no explanation for that behaviour. Unless you have rotated the plane or scaled it with a negative factor this should not happen.
yo see i copied the plane from the first on the left
and yes i di add a pic to that plane but that;s not the problem it is what you see in teh back
that;s the pic of the background image which should not be there after a copy ?
there should be only one background iimage not 2
right now there is 2 one on the left and one on the right!
so mayb e this is a bug ?
Ricky, the background image (from the 3D view) is not rendered. The flipped image you see is the one you have mapped to the plane behind your cut-out figure. The plane has the same image you are using as your background image, mapped to it’s Orco coordinates. If you don’t want it to render, remove the plane or at least remove the image texture from the plane. If you want it to render the right way around, you will need to rotate the plane. Also, the plane’s normal is pointing away from the camera, so you will need to flip that or spin the plane 180 degrees on the Z axis.