I have an image sequence loaded as the background for my 3d camera, (via view, background image, etc…) to go along with a some new camera tracked footage I have. I purchased PFHoe Pro to get into tracking, and it is amazing. The background images (footage) tracks perfectly to the CG objects in the 3d window. The only problem is that I can’t get it to actually RENDER the background image. When I click render, all I get is the block that I was using to test the footage on the blue world background.
I’m sure it’s something simple that I’m missing. Any suggestions?
In the Buttons Window go to Scenes (F10). In the render tab use Premul instead of sky, In the Anim tab press Do Composite, and make sure that in the Format tab all the settings there are the same as your source video. Go into the Node editor and click on the Composite Nodes button and then Use Nodes. Add an image( spacebar > input > add > image) and click the up and down arrows and load your video. In the window that reads “Fra”, set the number of frames for your video. And (this is important) in the window that reads “SFra”, put 1. Also click on the icon on the bottom right of the node that looks like a car. Add an Alphaover Node ( spacebar > add > color > alphaover). Attach your source video to the top image input on the alphaover node and attach your rendered layer to the bottom one. Attach the alphaover node to the composite node and that should do it. Then, choose your render settings, make sure “Do Composite” is clicked(selected), and press “Anim”.
Yes it seems to be an old thread but it is my last chans probably… After two long days of trying to render an animation with both the stuff in the scene (with tracking, woodoo ) an imagesequence as backgound im getting more and more unhappy.
A lot of searching on the web results in nothing, no tutorials that solve the problem and nu webresults with people who solved it, maybe im just unlucky to find the right ones, hope so…
Found some people who solved it by render the scene with object and tracking with alphainvisible background and put it toghether with the imagesequence in Abobe Premiere.
I dont think that would be neccessary because it should be possible to do in Blender.
Well I tried also the tips in the blendfile “background integration”. It made the stillimagerender to succed to involve both the scene and the background-sequence.
But my goal to render an ANIMATION with the scene and the background isnt yet working…
Please can someone take a look in my blendefile ?
If you wonder why the image sequence is set to offset 1001 its just because the imagesequences first filename is “Sequence 01001.tga”…
Ps, tried to upload the file with “manage attachments” but it rejected the file and put a red “!” sign behind it… Maybe I didnt do it right but I tried many times…
Yes, but if you can do one you should be able to do the other. I only used a still image background to keep the file image small (which had the image embedded) whilst showing you the basic setup.
The leftmost / top node (called “Twigs2007.jpg” in the example) is the background image. Simply replace it with your own as you have been, but when you add your own image, either point it to a movie file (e.g. an AVI) or an image sequence (you should have them all in the same folder with appropriate image00001.png naming). With a movie / sequence, there should be more options in the node like “Frames”, “Start Frame”, “Offset” etc. Simply change “Frames” to be the correct number of frames for the background footage and now the node inserted background should be animated.
It’s not really much different at all from the method used to insert stills.
the problem I’m having with this approach is the objects I create with blender aren’t aligned in the final composited image the same way I see them in the 3D View window. I’m setting the image I’m going to composite as the background in the 3D View and moving things the way I want them in Camera View, but my final image comes out offset. Any ideas how to handle this?
Thanks Drobbins, it was not quite what I was looking for but I solved it half away with an “alpha over” node and the imagesequence in an “image-nod”. But, the alpha over-nod doesnt allow shadows so now there is an another problem, how can the shadows be visible then I use alpha over ?
Lancer, thanks to you to ! But the problem is just that it works with an image but not with a hole imagesequence… I do just like you say but no.
I tried another way, in Sebastian Koenigs vimeochannel he gives away pretracked footage with a blendfile with an advanced nodesetup.
Because I cant append the the nodesetup to my projekt I have to replicate it manually, I did so but the result is not quiet satisfajd…
The shadows is now ok, but the objects appear like they would be completely shadeless, very ugly.
And there is light lines along the edges on the planes who are supposed to be invisible… pasteall.org/blend/4593
And I say it again, it is an animation with trackingdata from woodootracker. It is a simple project but a really want to learn this and use it much in more advanced stuff
Image sequences can be a bit more tweakish than straight movies… does it work better if you use an AVI? (try as an experiment).
Also, which Blender are you using - 2.49b or 2.55 ?
You mentioned the output being different from the 3D view, specifically…
I think the problem may be that you need to realise that the background image setting (what you see in 3D view) and the composite node are not the same thing, and it’s the composite node which affects what appears in the final render. I think you need to go back and reapply what I wrote above about adding animated footage (the frames part) not so much for the background image of the 3D view, but for the top left node as mentioned before. Loading in an AVI or similar file will be a good test to make sure it’s working for starters (image sequences can have other issues, so try loading an AVI first). It’s the frames counter of the node which needs to be adjusted, not just the background image of the 3D window.
As for the offset, that’ll be aspect ratio of the output image etc, which I think you should adjust only after you have successfully got the animation to work with your renders. If you add a time slider, you should find the thumbnail preview of the node updates as you use the slider.
Currently, I think you have a background image working as animated, but the node input is still set up as a still image.
I took the file Lancer posted and set twigs to be the background image in the 3D View and then re-sized Suzanne and placed her directly over twigs’ eye
render the image and the results are perfect
if I replace twigs with an image of my own (photo of my dog) and place Suzanne over his eye the resulting image has Suzanne offset
I think maybe this has to do with the aspect ratio of the picture/video I’m using not matching the image blender is creating
continuing to experiment