Backlit silhouette with smist/smoke, help!

Hey, I’m hoping to get some help. I’m trying to create something like this image in Blender, though with a different logo, but also black, metallic, on black background, backlit like this, with god rays.

However, I’m not great with lighting in Blender. I can set different types of standard lights, but none of them give this effect. I’m trying with box around everything with a Principled Volume shader to give a mist effect, bit it’s not looking anything like the reference image.

I honestly don’t know where to start with this, neither for the lighting effect or the godrays!


Suppose this one tutorual could help with ray lights:

As for the fog, take a look at this:

Wow, this was actually really helpful! I didn’t know about Light Rays.

I will try this out and see if that brings me closer.
