Backrooms the strange place (blender model free download)

When I was walking around the backroom for a very long time, I accidentally fell into a dark valley, and after wandering in the dark for a long time, I found this place! What is this strange place? What do you think it could be?!

Here is the sketchfab model, you can download it → Link.

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Does everyone remember that Kane Pixel video? And there was such a rift in the video and there were a lot of rooms in it… So this is the Zone of the great backroom fault, which stretches for many billions of billions of kilometers in different directions, in some places the joint of the fault deviates by 5 meters, in some by 10,000 meters where it would be possible to build an airport, and even fly in it on any supersonic aircraft…


It must be a continuation of that very place, or what else could be is that these are different faults found in the backrooms… What do you think about it!?