BAE hawk

WIP on a Hawk aircraft. Body is only a placeholder, hence the lack of any wheel bay doors.


Really nice start! want to see more

This landing gear looks really good!
We are waiting for more :slight_smile:

Very nice! As the others have said, can’t wait to see more. :slight_smile:

Update. trying to get the overall plane geometry correct.


You nailed the canopy, model looks very clean overall. Nice work!

Not much to say, other than the T1’s intake shape is more elongated on the z axis (not as round looking) but surely you already know that. Also the wings have a slight upwards angle…again not much to say.

Real nice job on the model [thumbs up] very clean model.

Looks good!
Some details need further improvements:

  1. The fin of your model is too thick (I think you were suggested by an erroneous blueprint). See how it looks like on the photo of a real airplane:

    [SUP]This photo was made by Rob Hynes in Australian International Air Show 2007, see his site - - for similar ones. This is a different version of Hawk, but the difference is mainly in the nose shape.[/SUP]

  2. On this photo you can see more sharp edges than on your model - for example between the air intake and the main body of the fuselage.

  3. I would suggest to model the canopy windscreen frame as a separate object (I have impression that you created it as a part of the fuselage. In your model the shape of the fuselage seems to be disturbed by the windscreen frame. On this and other photos it seems that the windscreen is a separated solid, “sunken” into the fuselage body (you can see a relatively sharp edge along their intersection).


Thanks for that photo. It shows all the parts of the plane I could not find on any other images.

The canopy was cut from the original body and made a separate part. I will need to remake it once the body shape is perfect, as it does not quite fit after a clean up of the body mesh.


I have several sets of plans, all of which are seriously short of accuracy! They all fail to match the various views, and it is annoying in the extreme.

I’ll revisit a few of the edges again to get a bit more accuracy.


Totally understand, hope you find these of help!

A couple of new renders. I have given the tail fin a sharper shape, added some of the other various fins, reshaped the air intakes, and cleaned up the canopy and frame.

I made a render from as close to the same angle as the photo Witald posted to see if I could get the shadows to match. I think its quite close.


AWWW YISSSSSS. A plane! Nice modeling.

Very nice! The one thing I think you should do if you haven’t is add some thickness to the canopy. Otherwise it looks great!