Which ones better? Im trying to get a grip on YAFRay. My renders still suck in yafray.
Bagisas is just an xml editor that lets you edit your shaders and lights, etc. within Bagisas and then save them back to the xml file. It also lets you render within the application and display a result when the render is finished.
The GUI is just within Yable or YableX when you run in Blender, correct?
I personally prefer YableX, as it supports all the current features of YAFray 0.0.4, (including the HDRI).
I use Bagisas to tweak some shaders at times, but I prefer to run the render from the command line, as I find it is faster.
The GUI is just within Yable or YableX when you run in Blender, correct?
No no, the one found here:
I can edit xml’s with the GUI above too. Just wanted to know which of the two would yield better results for some like me trying to figure out YAFRay.
heh :)…YableX is another matter
OOPS! Sorry about that.
I have only use Bagisas, so that is all I have experience with. Can’t give you any info on the other one.
I’ve messed around a bit with both of these GUI’s and presently I am just rendering from the YableX interface in Blender. On the whole, I prefer “GUI for Yafray” because of it’s easier to understand interface and the improvements that have been made quickly in its development. I have e-mailed the developer and gotten quick responses on a number of occasions.
Bagisas is OK, although I find the interface to be not as user friendly and it is not as close to tapping the full potential of Yafray 0.4 (missing functionality).
As soon as “GUI for Yafray” catches up a little more to Yafray 0.4, I’ll be back to using it, but for now I’m back to the Yable interface.
BgDM: its cool, no worries
Thanks for the response fellas