Bake simultaneously (sequentially) to multiple texture

I have some material with a slightly different setting, let say - 3 of them. And i need to bake 3 texture one for settings 1, second for setting 2, and the last one for 3.

Currently i need to manually switch connections, select appropriate texture and run Bake. Is that possible to automate this process somehow? Maybe some addons for such tasks?

Something like this? Maybe.

Also, if you wish to bake multiple textures into one:

If i understand correctly, both 3 can only help when you have several different maps, i.e. one ImageTexture node for albedo, one for normal, emissive and so on.
While i need to bake 3 different maps to 3 different textures but its always the same diffuse type map

I suppose you would need to do that separately. You start to bake the first texture, then the second one and the third at the end. At least I don’t see any other automatic ways to do so. By word “automate” you meant that you select those three textures at once, then hit some magic button and it does bake it all into 3 different maps automatically and on the other end you get yourself 3 different baked textures? Is that right?

Yup, thats exactly what i need. Cause all bakes will take some time and ideally i want to have ability to leave my PC for a while during the process without the needs to check it 3 times and reroute the pins.

You have to do it manually in that case, I guess.

Use color mix nodes to join all the textures and animate the factor sliders to have a different texture per frame. Animate / Render 3 (or as many as needed) frames.
It is usually easiest to animate one Mix Nodes factor, then duplicate it and move the keyframes in the timeline for the other frames texture changes…