Bake Wrangler - Node based baking tool set

Thank. I tried, but still get plain red.

Just a confirmation : If I initialized nbw=1 (out of loop) and remove the first bake from the batch, I will get the correct result. Thus the cause could be some deceiving code.

(Note to other readers: this is discussion about flaw in my own modification. It is not a bug of the add-on.)

I think the issue is with how you are using the driverā€¦ Changing the value probably doesnā€™t cause the modifier visibility to update right away. Iā€™m not sure what you can do to make it update.

I added a message that shows:

> Output: [ResultNotImportant.png]
>  Pass: [Pass (DIFFUSE)] [Mesh Nodes (1)]
>   Mesh: [Mesh] [Targets (1)]
Boolean is shown: False (nbw = 0)

> Output: [HasRedAndGreen.png]
>  Pass: [Pass.001 (DIFFUSE)]  [Mesh Nodes (1)]
>   Mesh: [Mesh] [Targets (1)]
Boolean is shown: False (nbw = 1)

As you can see, the nbw value has been changed, but the visibility of the Boolean is still false.

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Wow, you nailed down the cause.
The symptom comes from the optimization of Blender.
It is too expensive for Blender to update everything in dependency tree after a value of a driver-source changes. (They called what I am doing = ā€œabuseā€ :sweat_smile: )

The fix is to call ownerOfTheDriverAttribute.update_tag().["nbw"] =["nbw"]+1  #<== new line


It works now, thanks!

Good to know!

I have discovered an interesting thing about Drivers. Normally they donā€™t seem to update values in the custom node tree. BUT if you link any value from the node tree as a driver to an external property it suddenly starts working?!

External properties linked into the tree still donā€™t see to work though.

Example steps:

  1. Create tree
  2. Create a custom property on your scenes World, it can be anything
  3. Right click on any numeric value on a node and ā€˜Copy as Driverā€™
  4. Right click on your Worlds custom property and ā€˜Paste as Driverā€™
  5. Now any drivers you create within the node tree will work! Link all your Samples and X/Y inputs with drivers.


I do have one more small update to fix the subsurface pass in old node trees, make the preference categories collapsible, add the ā€˜Edgeā€™ mode to ā€˜Cavityā€™ pass and include the tile size change for emit passes (in my tests this didnā€™t give as big a performance boost as in the video, but it was a little bit faster so seems worth). But I would like to wait and see if anyone can find more bugs before I drop itā€¦

Iā€™m also going to report the driver thing and see if someone at Blender will fix it.

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Yes I had read that subsurface is no longer supported in 2.83 and it was removed from the baking. I had also deleted all files from the previous version of bake wrangler and installed rc5 and then build a node tree from scratch in a new test scene.
Therefore I was a bit surprised to see this error message again.

Yeah, itā€™s because the setting is still saved in your .blend file. Replacing the Pass node will clear it, but I have fixed the problem in the latest build. Just waiting to see if there is anything else I need to fix.

Unfortunately my previous ā€˜fixā€™ only half solved the issue while also making it worse. I made it so you canā€™t turn subsurface pass on, but that meant you also canā€™t turn it off it was saved previously as being onā€¦

Actuallyā€¦ I can give you a code snippet to run in blender to turn it offā€¦

import bpy
for tree in
    for node in tree.nodes:
        if node.bl_idname == "BakeWrangler_Bake_Pass":
            node.use_subsurface = False
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So Iā€™m getting nonsense results for GPU baking on my 1080Ti. CPU works fine. Is GPU baking currently broken?
Also, what happened to the usual baking UI in the latest 2.90 builds?

There shouldnā€™t be any problems with GPU. Does it work when you render a scene normally in Cycles with GPU? The only issue I can think of is if your GPU isnā€™t set up in Blender or maybe if the settings werenā€™t saved. (Though if this is in b2.90, there could be any number of issues)

Iā€™m not seeing any thing different in 2.90 to usual?

I have a 2080Ti and baking with GPU in Blender 2.83 works for me.

Yeah, normal rendering works fine on GPU, itā€™s just baking thatā€™s affected.

Also, anyone know a way to make Node Wrangler spit out the Curvature bake as a linear image directly? With neutral grey at 0.5?
Edit: ah, nevermind, found it.

All I can suggest is to make sure the GPU is configured in Blender and that the settings have been savedā€¦ Though generally there isnā€™t much if any difference in performance between CPU and GPU for baking when I test. (maybe because I donā€™t have a super fancy GPU)

Hey, this is an amazing tool! But I think I found an issue:

I have a model with couple PBR materials applied to it and Iā€™m trying to bake it to one texture set. But for some reason baking roughness maps results in a really smooth roughness map and the details are lost, which is kind of stange. Does anyone know why this happens?

I mean, yeah, itā€™s no big deal, I was just wondering if I should report a bug. Seeing as itā€™s in 2.90 which is alpha and with the traditional baking UI just removed, I think Iā€™ll hold off.

There are a number of factors. Firstly, do you have an Alpha value on any of your Princpled BDSFā€™s other than 1?

If not itā€™s probably something to do with your ā€˜Color Spaceā€™ and or image format. What output space and format are you using?

Yeah I used Alpha to setup a custom pass to render displacement maps from two texture sets into one. That model was out sourced, so it came with the textures already.

And yeah, It works now. I just need to think of a new way to setup custom passes :smiley:

Iā€™ve been thinking of making some different passes for Principledā€¦ Where it would ignore all the inputs other than that specific oneā€¦

The thing is I donā€™t know if itā€™s correct to factor the Alpha into Roughness, etc for PBR. Itā€™s what Blender does, but Iā€™m not convinced itā€™s what it should do?

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Iā€™m loving the potential this addon has, only it always fails the bake for me, no matter what settings or objectsā€¦ Using 2.83.1 and RC5, I donā€™t know why itā€™s not working to be honestā€¦

Nevermind, apparently it really doesnā€™t like non-blender colour configs. Even if said configs have the exact same Non-Colour transform.

Something Iā€™ve noticed, is that GPU baking is slower for me than CPU baking. I have an R7 2700X with 3000Mhz ram, vs a Radeon VII. I honestly expected the VII to be way faster.

(sorry to bombard this thread) Iā€™ve discovered that when baking diffuse etc, any meshes included can cast shadows on the other baking meshes, giving weird baking errors unless you hide said target objects from render view.

How does Bake Wrangler do the Curvature pass? Itā€™s kind of inconsistent and noisy no matter how many samples you throw at it, like it were a sobel filter on a normal map bake or maybe one cavity map overlaid on an inverse one, with some areas darkened where they shouldnā€™t be. :confused:

Also, can we have a pass that bakes the Viewport Color of the materials? Useful as a Material ID pass for use in Substance.

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