Bake Wrangler - Node based baking tool set

I was just imagining this as an “as simple as possible” solution for animation when I first suggested this.

No technique is applausible for all situations.

But if you just want a simple animation to play on demand, theres no easier way of handling it than having the animation be a texture, since people already baking textures with Bake Wrangler would likely already have some kind of master material setup in there game engine to handle there “regular” textures it would be easy for those to extend on that master material rather than setup a separate import process for animations.

So if you setup a Py script that imports the textures created by bake wrangler into your game engine/targeting renderer it would be convenient if you had your animations there as well.

With all that in mind, I don’t think the simple exporter I talked about earlier is particularly challenging to create and it certainly has uses. I’m unsure that anyone WOULD use it…

I would use it :slight_smile: Provide a simple example on Gumroad/Blender market of how it could be used along with a game engine/renderer and Im sure people who does a lot of animation would see its value.

I think the biggest killer is that people have to write their own shader program to use it…

Alright, thanks for taking the time considering it tho <3

@netherby I think I found a bit of a bug.

Curve objects seem to be losing their modifiers when used as highpoly sources.

Does it only happen with curves?

Yeah, ordinary meshes seem fine.

I mean, I haven’t tried Grease Pencil or point cloud objects, and wouldn’t expect those to work in any case.

I’m just wonder if it affects all non-mesh based objects, like umm… what ones do I even support? :stuck_out_tongue: meta balls and nurbs…

Because I haven’t actually changed how any of that part works… Sooo, maybe a change in blender that no one noticed before.

Looks like it also affects nurbs and text as well. Metaballs don’t support modifiers in the first place. Here’s a test file:
bake_test.blend (128.0 KB)

Thanks I will try and figure out what’s going on!

Well I found the problem… But fixing it the output still looks kinda wrong?!:

Kinda looks like maybe I need apply the modifers then correct normals…

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That does indeed look wrong. Maybe you should just convert them to a mesh after applying the mods.

That is what blender produces when you use its normal bake without doing anything, just baking the curve with a mod on it.

Converting to mesh results in the same thing.

And the normals are correct… Soo apparently that is just what it looks like?

Well that’s still not a usable result. Maybe there’s a bug in Blender.

Text renders correctly, but the other objects don’t even when converted to mesh which makes no sense… Even running a re-mesh over it has the same result…

I think we might just be overthinking things.

I plugged that weird looking result into a shader and it looks fine. I think it might just be that it’s so diagonal, lol.

It looks totally bizarre to me, but blender thinks it’s correct and if it works… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for fixing the bug. I’ll be looking forward to the next release.

The main thing I need to add for the next update is a good way of splitting the output based on target object…

BW is really nice now. This bake would probably have taken me a whole day faffing about with a hundred images in Photoshop if I were to do it in vanilla Blender.

Now imagine I had to do a correction because I’ve forgotten the light switch, lol.

So, thanks for making it. :smiley:

You’re welcome! And thanks, I really don’t know how anyone can bake stuff in blender without this add-on and keep their sanity :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like it has really come a long way… Baking in blender used to be such a pain and take hours with all the selecting objects, making sure the output image is set and all the properties are correct. Then you had some objects that needed a different ray distance and or a cage set. Such a waste of time! And then heaven forbid you needed to re-bake something…

I think the add-on is pretty close to ‘finished’ at this point. It does more than I ever needed it to. I’m sure there are some use cases that still aren’t well supported, but unless people can tell me about them there isn’t much I can do!


I’m considering changing the High to Low node… I find it ugly…

Instead I’m thinking it just slots between Input Mesh and Pass nodes. If the Input Mesh node only has ‘Target’ input then it will assume the objects are mixed together. If there are both ‘Target’ and ‘Source’ then it will only look for the high poly in the source list…

What thinks?