Baked textures is very different from the render, what gives?

Hello everyone. I have joined this forum last year, but due to RL circumstances I’m only posting for the first time now. I’ve been using blender for some years now, though very casually, so I’m still a bit of a noob :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m using Blender 2.75a, and I’m having an issue while baking with cycles. I’m using a material from one of Blenderguru’s models. What may I be doing wrong? Thank you in advance!

This is the node setup:

This is how my model looks in render view:

And finally, this is the result of a 500 samples baking:

looks fine to me. glossy shaders, or anything dynamic doesnt bake. think of baking like creating a texture. ive heard reflection cubes can be baked, but they wont be dynamic, its more for visual tricks in game engines.

you just need to add the glossy stuff back in after the bake. you can even bake glossy/specular maps separate from diffuse, normal, and so on. then each of those textures can be used in your realtime setup.

WARNING: as far as i know, blender uses inverted Y coordinates, so normal map output is NON STANDARD.

Oh, I see. Is it normal that those horizontal lines in the texture look so low rez?

What you mean by adding “the glossy stuff” after the bake? Making a new material with the baked texture, plus specular and normal maps, and adding a glossy shader to it? Sorry, I have a lot of questions. As I said, I’m still a nobb :o

how big of a texture are you baking to? 4096x4096 is good for high detail high end realtime or for quickening renders. 2048 is a happy medium, or for games.

how you make use of your baked images will vary depending on what engine you want to use. if your using cycles, then forget baking all together, its just not worth it. for the game engine, you would need to add each image to a texture block, then add each texture block to the material texture stack, checking the appropriate influence.

yes, thats right. make a new material in the destination engine(bge, bi, or other), using the various baked images.

I think that one is 1024, I’ll make it bigger, thanks!

I’m going to use this in Second Life. They have supported specular and normal maps for a while, but as a good chunk of users (even bigger in my specific targeted audience for this style of clothing) don’t have the settings required for it turned on, I wouldn’t want to depend entirely on it. Is there other rendering program that I could achieve the look that I’m aiming for?

For example this clothing store has very high quality items with nice textures, most of the details being present in the texture, not generated by the maps (plus they also use the maps). Is it possible that the creator of these used a different rendering software to achieve it?

Thanks a lot for the help!

Found another file where I used the same material, and the bake turned out fine. I’ll do some testings to figure it out why