Baking image showing black results

Ok so when I was trying to bake an image texture for my dagger, I found out that the bake is showing black image instead of baked on, looks like blender has burned my textures :joy: :joy:

Anyways, I kept searching for how to bake image textures and found that I was going well and no missing step, so I tried to open a new scene and test the baking system and got the same result. What’s more annoying it that it was work fine last time I baked, and I also tried the baking system on my poor laptop and it worked fine. I tired restoring the “Factory Settings” and still got the same result. Whenever I wished to reinstall blender it kept saving the last settings and option and installed as if I didn’t do anything. :triumph: :triumph:

Under this MESSAGE, there is a picture for the testing scene as I have followed the baking steps, I selected the image texture node, the target object, and chose the cycles render engine. After baking, the image turned out black as shown at the left bottom of the picture, how can I fix that??? :confounded: :persevere:

NOTE: Before you ask me about setting metallic to 1 or whatever these questions, I would like to tell you that:

  1. This is a fresh new file and didn’t modify any of the material properties
  2. I restored the factory settings to there are no interfering factors from the settings
  3. People who say “Connect the input node to Diffuse node” will not work too because firstly I tried this and didn’t work, secondly I tried baking with principled BSDF in my laptop and worked fine
  4. Light factors didn’t change anything neither by enabling nor by disabling them

Thank you :heart: :blush:

is working fine for me,

latest Driver ?
blender version 3.3.1?

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1- Yes
2- No, 3.1

this is a bug in 3 -3.1, * maybe this is the reason

maybe you should try 3.3.1

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