Ball attraction nd rolling thingy

I m trying to make a game where an sphere object(rigid body type) is attracted to another object nearby. I m using getpostion and setpostion to find distance between these two objects and then changing spehre objects(X & Y with set postion) to move it close slowly… the problem is ball instead of rolling it jst changes its X & Y… is there a way to make ball attracted to some object as well make it roll (make its dynamics work jst on flat surface)…

any suggestions or some hlep will be great…

You’ll probably need to apply a force in the direction of the other object.

I did get to attract object B to object A when in range… but when i move object B far away out of attraction range… it seems that the Object A keeps on rolling in the direction of force applied… i tried to setForce of that actuator to zero but still the ball keeps on rolling …