Balrog Boxer

Hello, everyone!

Since the end of last year I decided to start studying blender to make the transition to a software that would fit in my pocket. I practiced the detachment from the years of 3dsmax and the prejudices I had with opensource software.

This project is based on a concept by @marcopfurtado and it’s my first project in which I used the blender exclusively for modeling (sculpt), retopology, uv’s, shading and rendering. I found that I have to learn a lot more about it, but the little I learned already made me very excited. Let the opensource future come!

Hope you like it!

Please C&C are welcome

My instagram: @medaberbruno
Portfólio (Updating):


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!! :grinning: :partying_face:

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