Banding in Specular light pass - Screen Space Raytracing

Not sure if it was always there, but suddenly I noticed a banding in EEVEE viewport.
Just load a new scene, add a plane and give it a new material. Then give it black color in principled shader.
Turn on/off Screen Space Raytracing and you will see banding like this :

When I render in Cycles there is no banding. (So has nothing to do with 8 or 16 bit file output: I see it in the viewport).
I tried many settings, but it seems I cannot get rid of it.
You see it in Material Preview, and in Rendered Preview and only when you switch on Screen Space Raytracing.

Any idea how to get rid of it?

I checked Blender 2.83, and there I don’t see this banding effect.
I will check with factory settings.
Funny, it’s also not in Blender 2.93 and 3.0. Only in 2.93.1

Update: also no problem in the 2.93.2 candidate. So I think it’s specific for that build.