Bar stool advertising

Hey, guys!
Hope you all are fine!
I’m here to share a project I did for portfolio purposes. Also to practice and try to increase my product visualization skill.

For the model I found some pictures in Keva’s website. Keva is a brazilian brand of furniture. I copied the model by eye because I don’t found any blueprints. I also used the measurements info I got in the website to match the model the best as possible.

For texturing I tryed something different of the reference that I think suits my taste better. I create a chrome metal procedurally and used two textures from CC0 website - for the wood and the leather. I changed a little the colors with a hue/sat/value node.

For the environment I just made a infinite background using a plane, extruding it in Z axis and beveling it. And for the lighting a simple 3-point lighting for the stool and also an extra light for the background.

And that’s it. Thank you very, very much for spending time here reading about my process and if you have any feedback, it’ll be very appreciated too.


Looks fantastic! The only thing I would comment on is the edges of the wood, where the wood doesn’t follow the same directions as the wood on the larger areas. Probably just some UV tweaking… But yeah, very nicely done all around!

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Thank you very much, Peter! Yeah, you’re right.
This is something I can quickly adjust!
Why I don’t see this things when I’m working in the piece?! :joy:

Why I don’t see this things when I’m working in the piece?! :joy:

Very relatable! :sweat_smile:

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Thank you very, very much again for your generosity! Was very helpful!
I did my renders once again with the UV’s correction and the outcome is now much better.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much, Bart!
A great weekend for you too!

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