Baroness (Infested District Series)

"The district was under siege by a plague. No one was safe from their bites and the disease they carried. The wealthy tried to flee, but the gates were locked and guarded by soldiers. The poor had nowhere to go. Curfews were imposed to prevent riots and looting, but also to keep people indoors at night.

The baroness and her husband are one of the few who still had some luxury in her life. She lived in a mansion on the hill, surrounded by walls and guards. She had food, wine, servants, and jewels. She thought she was immune to the plague but had been infected since a while.

She tried to hide her symptoms, but they soon became obvious. Her skin turned pale and blotchy, her eyes red and watery, her hair thin and brittle. She developed a fever and a cough that rattled her lungs. She lost her appetite and her strength. She became delirious and paranoid."

Sculpted, textured and rendered in Blender :heart:. Postprocessing in Photoshop.
Project Source Files available on Thursday ArtStation, Blender Market, FlippedNormals, Gumroad

The Baron (her Husband)

Alternative lighting but no over paint pass.

Black and White :blush:

Leave a comment and like, thanks! :heart:
Project Source Files available on Thursday ArtStation, Blender Market, FlippedNormals, Gumroad


Again… Amazing work!

Love all the detail you put in there, which isn’t really seen but registered.
The close-ups of the face show this really well. Top notch work!! :+1: :slight_smile:


Great work indeed, as usual. Like @RobWu wrote, the detail is delicious. Love the skull badge among everything else.

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Very nice work… amazing

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@RobWu @Metin_Seven @BarbaraKaur Such lovely comments are always highly appreciated. I wanna thank you for your time and interest. :blush: :pray:

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Amazing work! Really love the pores detail.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks Bart! :blush:

edit: Oh and thank you too @Puppy :wink:

You nailed the eyes. It feels like she has a soul. Nice work. Well executed.

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Highly appreciated, thanks!