
Hey everyone!
I was scrolling through pinterest just looking for inspiration when I came across this graffiti’d up gas station somewhere in new mexico… loved it and wanted to recreate it in a post apocalyptic environment. I think sometimes I’m heavily influenced by things from my past without even knowing. Like, this environment is basically straight out of one of my favorite games Rust, but I didn’t notice until the very end haha. I had a ton of fun with this though, even though I almost quit half way through because I wasn’t happy with it. With every project I’m reminded that you just gotta keep pushing through the ugliness because at the end it tends to shape up! I just can’t remember that…
Technicals! Other than the vehicles which are scans from sketchfab, I modeled everything myself. Texturing was also pretty much all done entirely in Blender, which was a slight challenge at times but also very redeeming. Texturing the ground was actually the most difficult part of this entire project. I spent so so much time blending the 5 different asphalt materials together, and then hand painting where the asphalt breaks into the gravel. I also finally found the perfect volume setup for distant atmosphere, which has been KILLING me for the past couple years. Super excited about that and it’ll definitely spark a whole bunch of new landscape projects for me. Mountains were made in Gaea. Foliage from Megascans. Most materials and textures from… oh and processed all in Davinci. Think that’s about it, feel free to ask me anything about the project. OH WAIT - and there is a bit of story here… try to find the pieces :slight_smile:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Ah wow thanks!!